“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

“If any man at this day sincerely believes that a proper division of local from federal authority, or any part of the Constitution, forbids the Federal Government to control as to slavery in the federal territories, he is right to say so, and to enforce his position by all truthful evidence and fair argument which he can. But he has no right to mislead others, who have less access to history, and less leisure to study it, into the false belief that "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live" were of the same opinion - thus substituting falsehood and deception for truthful evidence and fair argument.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Anything can be a bucket if you try hard enough and believe.”

Abraham Lincoln

“If frienship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world.”

Abraham Lincoln

“A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have.”

Abraham Lincoln

“With educated people, I suppose, punctuation is a matter of rule; with me it is a matter of feeling. But I must say I have a great respect for the semi-colon; it's a useful little chap.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Abraham Lincoln

“And in the end it is not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years.”

Abraham Lincoln

“The hen is the wisest of all the animal creation, because she never cackles until the egg is laid.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.”

Abraham Lincoln

“I do the very best I know how—the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Those who look for the bad in people will surely find it.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others.”

Abraham Lincoln

“I would just as soon die now, but I haven't done anything yet to be remembered by”

Abraham Lincoln

“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ”

Abraham Lincoln

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